Saturday, March 06, 2010

Adios, SL

For a couple of months at least. The office is sending me on a training/work assignment to Canada again and I’ll be leaving these beautiful shores on Monday. Currently it’s for 3 months but might extend up to 5, like last time. Luckily winter is ending and spring is slowly creeping in. The prospect of months playing in snow doesn’t appeal to me that much. One winter in a lifetime is good enough for me.

The flight is at the ungodly hour of 3AM. What’s with these airline people huh? Even Vampires are resting at that time. Transit is in Dubai, about 2.5 hours. The part I’m not looking forward to is the Dubai Toronto run. 14 hours of sitting in an airplane seat is not fun. I just hope I get an aisle or window seat, and not stuck between some strangers in the middle rows. The good news is that I hear Emirates is using A380’s for the Dubai Toronto run so at least I’ll get a taste of that.

One part of me is excited but then again, I’ll have to put my plans on hold for some time, especially my studies. I get a feeling that’ll be forever transferring batches. At this rate, that MBA looks a long way off. I’ll be also missing the wedding of one of my very good friends, missing the chance of being his best man too. Oh well, one has to learn to juggle everything. I guess at this point of time in life, I don’t mind putting focus on my work and career.

Anyway, I’ll be putting pics as and when I get a chance.



Angel said...

Bon voyage, Azrael... hope you have a good time there and manage to mix a bit of business and pleasure...

Janith said...

Have an awesome trip mate! :D

Rajaratarala said...

take the opportunity to post your opinions of place, people and prospects. It makes interesting reading. bon voyage

Delilah said...

have a good trip :) take care. look forward to the pics.

Sigma said...

Bon Voyage

Siribiris said...

Oh, it is still cold here, hovering around zero. This is Canada, mate.

Bring some winter clothes, thermal under garments, wool mittens (leather doesn't work), at least one thick winter jacket. You can find all of them in "Fasion-House".

You may already know these. But just in case if you don't, believe me your fingers( and your b*lls) will thank you.

Anonymous said...

have a good trip. :)

pp said...

isnt 3 am the hour of the devil? ;)

good luck yo. have fun over there!! keep us posted.

santhoshi said...

Have a great trip azrael. Keep posting

Azrael said...

Thanks guys :)