Friday, May 29, 2009

Feeling Optimistic

With all the happening during the past few weeks, I haven’t been blogging much. Then again, a lot of the blogs have been saying what I’ve been feeling. It’s a feeling of optimism that good things are coming our way.

People have asked me in the past whether I have any plans to migrate to greener pastures, and truthfully there have been times when I’ve thought about it. But then again, I’ve always hoped for things in SL to change.

After all that has happened, it’s sad that some people still want to migrate. Notably, most of them are well off and living comfortable lives here. Then again, it’s their lives and their choices. One thing to remember though, not all pastures on the other side is green.

Adios amigos!


ηiRσ said...

Some people migrate not because they dont have a comfy living here - just that they're bored and want a change/challenge...

Azrael said...

Yes Niro, you do have a point there :) Developed countries do offer more challenges.

Lady divine said...

where art thou? Haven't seen you around!

Azrael said...

he he, been MIA haven't I? :D