Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Some pics from a recent trip to Kataragama. Couple of my friends were going with their family for a pooja and I basically invited myself :). I haven't been there in 6 years, just two months before the Tsunami, and been wanting to go for sometime, but, you know how things get in the way. Unfortunately didn't go to Yala or other touristy places.

Mostly I wanted to go to Tissa, coz the place holds a special place in my heart. My first job, right after I left school i joined a bank, and my first posting was to Tissa. Quite an experience for a "sheltered" Colombo kid, but I enjoyed it there very much and made some good friends too. I've been promising to visit them, so that was another reason I was keen to go. Anyway, got transfered out in about a year, which eventually led to the demise of my banking career and my life as it is today. Who knows, if i hadn't been transfered when I was, I'd probably by still be in banking, and miserable at it, a different life altogether. It's one of those "what if" dilemmas.

Green paddy fields

Yo, Wuzup!

The temple and the paddy field

Product placement

Tissa Temple

Tissa Temple

Yatala Temple

Yatala Temple

Sunrise through the mist

Paddy fields in a misty morn

Two Hearts

"The Mist"

Ma, What's for dinner?

Dude, can I at least eat in peace?

Om nom nom...

Board meeting



Dude, get my good side

Devala entrance

Colorful Garlands

To whom the bell tolls

Sea of worshipers @ Kiri Vehera

Kirinda Temple

Kirinda Beach