Pic from uncyclopedia.org. It's worthwhile to go through the site, many more funny stuff available.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Breaking the Language Barrier
Musings of
1:25 PM
people have said
Monday, July 28, 2008
Your very own Iron Man suite
Wouldn’t it be cool if we can borrow the Iron Man suite for awhile and wreak havoc around the place? Well the a Japanese scientist by the name of Yoshiyuki Sanaki from the Tsukuba University engineering facility has come up with, what I’d like to think of as Iron Man suit stage I :D.
Actually this is old news, and I first saw this last year, but forgot about. Came across it suddenly some days back so I thought I’d put it here.
Named HAL 5, it’s basically an exoskeleton suite that will enhance the body’s capabilities. It can allow a person to lift up to 10 times the normal weight capable by that person. The real use for the suite is to provide mobility to paralyzed people. Other uses include in nursing, factory work and disaster relief.
It’s just in a frame like suite for now, but add on some bullet proof armor and some jet packs and woohoo, instant Iron Man suite. Tony Stark you better watch out. He he.
Isn’t it great that what someone dreamed of nearly 40 years ago are slowly become a reality? After all Iron Man first made his appearance way back in 1963, and what imagination the creators must have had to come up with the concept.
Must start saving now itself, might be able to get one when I’m 50 at least :D
Hal - 5
Musings of
3:28 PM
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Well I’m still alive and kicking he he.
Been a couple of busy few weeks at office so haven’t had time to check out interesting and weird things happening around the world. Although I’ve been keeping up with my fav bloggers :) Work wise things are getting back to normal, but me’s got some exams coming up :(. Luckily finished off the assignments so have to hit the books now. Ayi caramba… there’s soooo much to go through.
Read some really moving posts about Black July experiences by Cerno and David Blacker. I was lucky enough to be too young to remember any of it. Can’t really imagine what the victims must’ve felt and gone through. A lot of meaningless violence and destruction. It’s sad really that we humans only needs a very little bit of encouragement to revert back to the levels of the wild animals.
I leave you with one of my all time favorite songs
Peace y’all
Musings of
1:02 PM
1 people have said
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
What Your Desktop Says About You
Cerno has asked bloggers to put up a post with a screen shot of the desktop.
Well this is mine at the moment. Surprise Surprise, it's a Harley :P
Desktops never stay the same. Changes with the mood of the user. However they do give a glimpse into the interests of the users.
I've had desktops ranging from Garfield, to motorcycles, cars, fighters, and metal bands. On the other hand I'd never put one up of a bunch of flowers, or babies or things of that nature. Cats, yes, but not kids :P
I've had this one for couple of months now, so guess it's high time to make some changes :)
Musings of
11:05 AM
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Namal Perera: Media Security in Sri Lanka - Appeal to the Sri Lankan Blogsphere
This is a re-post of Dinidu's post as requested by him. The original post is here. Please feel free to re-post this and link it back to the original by Dinidu. :)
Cheers to all...
As you might be aware, senior journalist and media person Namal Perera was assaulted yesterday evening on his way home from work at the Sri Lanka Press Institute. This comes as a severe blow to the media industry in Sri Lanka, and the freedom of expression of the Sri Lankan people. Namal is currently undergoing treatment under police protection at a private hospital. Daily Mirror carried the story as today’s lead.
A demonstration is organized tomorrow (2nd July) at 12:30pm, at the Colpetty Junction as protest for the continued war against the media in this country, and calling for increased safety and security for the country’s journalists, and for action to be taken against the perpetrators of these crimes. Too many of these things are going unsolved.
Please try to make it for the protest.
As a personal favour, I’m appealing to the blogsphere of Sri Lanka to please repost the above in your blogs, and mail it to your mailing lists. And please link back to this original post so we can keep track of how many people viewed the post. Thank you.
Musings of
8:04 AM
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