Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Wonderful World of the Net

News Flash: New Web Site Launched

Check it out a cool new web site for LightAge Holdings, the best place to get your web sites developed by professionals.

Ok…Ok… doing a bit of a promotion here.

We can’t deny it folks; the WWW is taking over the world. Either you are online or you loose. There maybe cons to it but the pro’s out weigh them and there is no denying that it has made life pretty much easier and interesting for us humans. It has made the world a very small place (A very over used cliché).

From a business point of view the web is the ideal marketing tool. Where else can you get a worldwide exposure with little expense? Not only that but you can even use it as a sales tool doing online sales. The possibilities are limitless.

My belief is that a web site is a very useful tool especially for the small and medium industries. Let’s face it, SME’s don’t have a million Rupee budget to spend on media advertising. So the most viable option for these is online marketing.

So if you are thinking of going online and don’t know how, please come and talk to us and let us help you make the best of the WWW.


Cheers till the next time :)

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